Aligned Freedom Podcast

A podcast for high-achieving professionals who are unfulfilled in their careers and want to make a transition to online entrepreneurship. The Aligned Freedom Podcast will help you understand what’s no longer working, get clear on what you want, and start an online business that is aligned with your skills, values, and purpose! It’s time to say goodbye to a career that you no longer enjoy, and say hello to ultimate freedom, control, and fulfillment by leveraging your expertise and turning it into a purposeful + profitable online course. You host, Navneet Mann, is a former lawyer who left her draining career to become an online entrepreneur. She now teaches her clients how to make a smooth transition out of their unfulfilling careers and into aligned entrepreneurship using her signature Aligned Freedom Method. Get ready to use the power of self-discovery, subconscious success, and business strategies to create the business and life of your dreams!

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Sunday May 01, 2022

Your personal values are your highest priorities that fundamentally drive your decisions and the direction of your life, both personally and professionally. Values dictate your behaviour, communication, likes/dislikes, and the general way you show up in this world.
Re-discovering what is the most important to you helps you make decisions with confidence and ease, and gives you perspective on your greater purpose and all you want to achieve in the future.
In this episode, you'll learn the importance of core values, how to identify your own values, and how to use them to align with your greater purpose!
List of Core Values:
Personal Development

Sunday May 01, 2022

Confidence is clarity, trust, and courage all wrapped into one - Think: Beyonce. When you are absolutely clear on who you are, what you want, and where you're headed - the confidence will ooze out of you. You'll stop second-guessing yourself and will make decisions with ease.
When you become more confident, you've got the courage to embody your whole self without the fear of failure or judgment. You become unapologetically yourself.
Confident people are less stressed, happier, and more successful.
Confidence is an attribute that is internal, thus can be learned and developed over time. That means you can learn to embody the confidence of Beyonce in everything that you do!
In this episode of The Speed of Life Show, we will discuss the importance of having confidence and clarity, especially as a woman. I will give you 5 things you can do now to become more confident in yourself, your decisions, and your goals.

Sunday May 01, 2022

In times of catastrophe, people normally rally together but what do you do when, in the most uncertain times, everyone is asked to isolate and stay apart? Now more than ever is the time to lean into your relationships and become stronger together.
It's human nature to connect with others and a sense of community allows us to support one another in good times and bad. It's important to consider your personal and professional relationships and identify how you can leverage those connections for your own success and the success of those around you.
In today's episode of the Speed of Life Show, we discuss the importance of healthy relationships and why they are more important than ever. You'll get tips on how you can stay connected in a society that is asking you to self-isolate and learn how to leverage your network and connections to forge stronger relationships.

Sunday May 01, 2022

Perfectionism has become a social norm in today's world. Whether that's how you show up at work or on social media, people are obsessed with appearing to be "perfect". This pressure of being perfect is causing you to fall into a perfectionism to procrastination cycle, which creates its own overwhelm and stress.
In this episode, you'll learn how to break free from the perfectionism and procrastination cycle so you can spend less time obsessed with getting it perfect, and more time putting your work and self out there as the real you.

Sunday May 01, 2022

Feel the fear because it is real, but don't let it keep you stuck.
Fear is real, and it is the very thing that is keeping you small and stuck. Fear will always bring you back to your comfort zone where growth is just not possible.
In today’s episode, we choose to leave the safety of our comfort zone, face our fears, and go after the life we really want.
You are not here to settle for less. You may be successful on the outside, but you want so much more. You want freedom, autonomy, control over your time, and work that matters.
Making a pivot to the direction of your dreams is a scary thing. Taking a leap and diving into something is terrifying, and you have to acknowledge that fear, but you have move forward. You have to go towards the direction of your dreams, even if all you can take are small baby steps.
If you are ready to build the bridge that will take you to the other side---where freedom, happiness and fulfillment are present, then this episode is perfect for you!
Whenever you’re ready to make a change, feel the fear but do it anyways, then get in touch with me on or email me at See you on the other side!

Sunday May 01, 2022

Find out what the golden handcuffs are, and how you can break free from them.
Golden handcuffs are things that make you believe you cannot leave a job that’s providing you with financial stability, but is draining you mentally and emotionally.
In today’s episode, we break the belief that you can’t have the money and lifestyle that you want while doing something that you enjoy doing. Because you most certainly can.
Money itself won’t make you happy. High paychecks are good and all, but they cannot be your main motivator, because money can only fill the void for so long.
The old model of finishing a degree and climbing your way up the corporate ladder is long gone. You can have freedom and success while doing something that is truly aligned with your views and values.
If you’ve been ready to remove these golden handcuffs but are finding it hard to transition, this episode is just for you.
Whenever you’re ready to break free from these handcuffs that are keeping you stuck, then get in touch with me on or email me at See you on the other side!

Sunday May 01, 2022

If there was ever a time to step back and re-evaluate your career and life, it's now. Uncertain times bring challenges but also show you your blind spots and help to identify the gaps in your life.
Uncertain times provide clarity on what is most important and whether your current path is aligned with what you truly need (and want). Uncertain times will give you the opportunity to re-evaluate your life and consider options for your future.
Use this time to take an inventory of what matters and consider if you're exactly where you need to be - if not, it's time to make a change! In this episode of The Speed of Life Show, you'll how to re-evaluate where you are and what to consider in order to plan a pivot that is fully aligned with your personal goals and needs

Sunday May 01, 2022

Ever question whether you're good enough, or stop yourself from taking the next step towards your goals? If so, then you've experienced the wrath of limiting beliefs. Your beliefs are meant to protect you.
They keep you in your comfort zone to ensure you're safe in a familiar place; however, these same beliefs are limiting you and causing you discomfort. The good news is, these beliefs are simple opinions that you hold to be true and they can be changed!
Learn my three-step process on how to overcome your limiting beliefs and rewire your brain for new thoughts that support your goals on this episode of The Speed of Life Show.

Sunday May 01, 2022

Burnout is not caused by working too hard, it's caused by working out of alignment with your values.
Burnout is an amalgamation of detachment, chronic fatigue, misalignment, and loss of interest.
Burnout goes beyond work stress and can severely impact your personal life. Here are some common burnout symptoms that you may notice: detachment, loss of interest in work, loss of communicating with others, loss of interest in things you previously enjoyed, becoming irritable with others, lack of intimacy, and finding it hard to do simple tasks that previously felt easy. Burnout has been recognized as a health phenomenon by the World Health Organization (WHO); according to WHO, the following are signs of burnout:
feeling depleted of energy
being exhausted
increased mental distance from job/career
reduced professional productivity
Burnout however, has nothing to do with being overworked; burnout is reaching a point of full exhaustion after forcing yourself to do work that is not aligned with you and what you value.
Learning better time management skills, increasing productivity, or changing jobs will NOT cure burnout - in fact, you will not be able to produce results or make those changes from a place of total burnout. The only way to cure burnout is to rediscover who you are, redesign what you want your success to look like, and realign with that vision through a tangible action plan.
Learn more about curing burnout in this episode.
Connect with Nav:

Sunday May 01, 2022

Personal power and self mastery are the real keys to having freedom.
Having personal power means being the driver of your own life. It means having complete control over your time, over the type of work that you do, how you do it.
In today’s episode, we will uncover how personal power and self mastery are the keys to having the freedom to choose the kind of life that you want for yourself.
The difference between the people who go out there, chase their dreams, and live the life that you want to have, and the people who are stuck and unfulfilled is their intimate connection with themselves: that is personal power.
Personal power means being highly aware of what really matters, and taking full responsibility for your life. There is no right time and no right way, but you take action and do not wait for anybody else.
If you have huge dreams, and you know that you are meant for so much more, then this episode is perfect for you!
Whenever you’re ready to forget your fears and really step into your personal power, then get in touch with me on or email me at See you on the other side!

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