Aligned Freedom Podcast
A podcast for high-achieving professionals who are unfulfilled in their careers and want to make a transition to online entrepreneurship. The Aligned Freedom Podcast will help you understand what’s no longer working, get clear on what you want, and start an online business that is aligned with your skills, values, and purpose! It’s time to say goodbye to a career that you no longer enjoy, and say hello to ultimate freedom, control, and fulfillment by leveraging your expertise and turning it into a purposeful + profitable online course. You host, Navneet Mann, is a former lawyer who left her draining career to become an online entrepreneur. She now teaches her clients how to make a smooth transition out of their unfulfilling careers and into aligned entrepreneurship using her signature Aligned Freedom Method. Get ready to use the power of self-discovery, subconscious success, and business strategies to create the business and life of your dreams!
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
You want to do work that lights you up, you want control over your time and schedule, and you want to be the one that calls the shots. That sounds great, but you already know that won’t happen if you’re working for someone else… The truth is, your career has equipped you for countless skills, invaluable experience, and considerable knowledge - all of which can be leveraged to start your own online coaching or consulting business that will give you ultimate freedom and autonomy over your time, life, and work. Today’s episode will guide you through what’s not currently working for you and teach you how to leverage the skills and experience you already have to start your own business so you can have the choice to transition out of your unfulfilling career and have the freedom you’ve been craving! If you’re ready to learn how to leverage your key skills and start your one-of-a-kind business, then go to to book your free call with me and learn how you can have your business running within 6 months!
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
If you're considering leaving your career, but aren’t sure how or what you’d do, this episode is for you! Today I’m sharing the framework that helped me get clear on the perfect business idea. This is exactly what I did to create a lucrative business plan and transition from my career as a lawyer to an online entrepreneur. It's a framework that helps build a business you can connect to, a business that helps achieve a greater purpose, and most importantly, a business that can generate profit! Listen to this episode and start working on your unique and profitable business idea today! Tune into this episode of the Aligned Freedom Podcast, I explain all about the 3P framework., why each step is important and how using all these steps together can help you find your perfect business idea.
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
If you’re tired of being stuck in a career that brings you no joy where you make no difference and crave working for yourself so you can have more freedom, autonomy, and fun… then this episode is exactly what you need. Today I am sharing the exact framework I followed that helped me start my online business while working full time as a lawyer; I was then able to grow my business and leave my job as a lawyer, achieving the freedom I’ve always craved. Tune in to this episode to learn the simple steps you need to take in order to start your freedom-based business so you can transition out of your career and work for yourself!
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
If you find yourself constantly course-correcting, and changing from one mask to another just to get through life. You are not alone. Many high-achieving professionals feel the same way. They suppress who they really are to fit into a box of who they “should be” I felt like that for a DECADE (yup!), conforming to societal standards of success and climbing up the corporate ladder as a successful lawyer. It wasn't until I hit a wall and became extremely unhappy in my life that I realized I was misaligned, thats when I became desperate change my circumstances and reconnect with the person I truly am. Alignment is a merger between who you are on the inside and who you portray yourself to be on the outside; it means to have equilibrium between your inside and outside worlds. In this episode of the “Aligned Freedom Podcast", we willI discuss what it means to be aligned, why it is so important, and what your life could look like when you're finally in alignment with who you’re meant to be! I will help you figure out a way to lose all the masks, you've had to wear all these years, to finally come into yourself and honour your genuine self, completely and wholly!
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
You are successful in the eyes of the world, but why do you feel so empty, stuck, and unfulfilled on the inside? Many high achieving professionals are hustling achieve the next big thing in their lives. Even after checking all the boxes, achieving every milestone, raising the bar, and working so hard to become the absolute best in their field, they feel a deep sense of unfulfilled in their lives… They are miserable on the inside, and when they try to heal these symptoms by indulging in an endless cycle of "earn, splurge, repeat", they don't feel any sense of relief, so they stay stuck in this cycle year after year after year - this is who I call the Unfulfilled Professional. 🎙️In this episode, I share more about the unfulfilled professional and my personal journey on how I turned my life around and transformed from being an unfulfilled professional becoming an aligned entrepreneur, having the freedom to do work I love while living a life beyond my wildest dreams!
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
The Speed of Life Show has a NEW name, new look, and a whole new message. Introducing, the Aligned Freedom Podcast! The Aligned Freedom Podcast is a show for unfulfilled professionals who are ready to work for themselves. Using the power of self-discovery, subconscious success, and business strategies, you will learn exactly how you can start an online business that gives you ultimate freedom and fulfillment in your life. Get ready to take action, because the Aligned Freedom Podcast isn't just a passive show, it's designed to help you make tangible changes in your life so you can finally have the freedom you've been craving!
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
If you're so successful, then why aren't you happy?
Many high-achievers appear to "have it all" on the outside, but feel empty and miserable on the inside - learn why in this episode.
High-achievers are purpose-driven, they are highly successful, and are always striving for the next best thing, always trying to achieve "more, and become the absolute "best" - but no one ever stops to question why... what is it is that they're actually looking for?
Most of these highly successful people are actually miserable on the inside. They are looking for fill the void with more status, money, and success - but no matter what they do, that misery follows them around and they can't seem to be genuinely happy.
This episode will break down the reasons behind this empty success and will teach you three things you can start doing today to put the wheels in motion towards meaningful success!
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
Ever feel stuck? Like you crave a change but have no idea where to start - and no matter what you try, you can't seem to achieve what you want? Your mindset could be the culprit! Your mindset is comprised of your past experiences, assumptions, and beliefs instilled in you as a child.
The good news is, what can be learned, can be unlearned; thus changing your mindset will help you get different results! In this episode of The Speed of Life Show you will learn the connection between your thoughts and results - and how changing your beliefs will change your outcomes.
I will give you 3 easy steps to break the perpetuating negative cycle and create an unshakeable mindset that will help you create the type of success you crave!
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
Imposter Syndrome is the unshakable feeling of self-doubt or insecurity in oneself, despite there being a mountain of evidence to the contrary. Imposter Syndrome is experienced by many people, but it tends to target and manifest deep in smart, accomplished, and successful professionals.
If you ever felt like you weren't enough and were afraid one day you'd get found out - then you have experienced imposter syndrome and you are not alone!
This episode will help you identify your own imposter syndrome and teach you three things you can start doing today to overcome imposter syndrome for good!
Sunday May 01, 2022
Sunday May 01, 2022
Feeling overwhelmed in these uncertain times? You’re not alone! A big challenge right now is the lack of control and not knowing what’s next and the fear around what residual effects this time will have on your career and life.
Regardless of how this pans out, resilience is the key factor to making it through and being stronger than ever. Being more resilient will help you overcome this challenge and come out as the stronger and best version of yourself.
In this episode, you’ll learn tangible steps to help you build resilience during this adversity. I’ll be sharing tools to help you move forward and plan for more security and certainty, even in the most uncertain times.